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Get Rich Quick! the fairy-tale.

Every now and then I get asked the question “How Do I Get Rich Quick?” This is usually brought about by a friend receiving spam in their inbox  or running across a video with someone saying they know how to time the market and they can help you become wealthy for a small fee… Deep […]

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calculate your taxes ahead of time so you don’t give the Government free money

Why give the government an interest free loan? Would they do the same for you? NO! And yet, 8 out of 10 Income Tax filers receive a refund from the IRS.          Source of chart:  Let’s say in 2016 you make 50k this year and are single. You’ll owe $5683.50 in Federal taxes (not […]

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Save Yourself First

You must save yourself before all others. You will then have the means to save the others.

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Finding a good Retirement Calculator

Retirement Calculator

This afternoon, I found myself looking for a Retirement Calculator.

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Focus on what you can Control

You can’t control everything, but what you can control is what you should focus on.

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Featured Book

The Simple Path to Wealth: Your road map to financial independence and a rich, free life

If you are investing any money, either in a work sponsored 401k, an individual IRA or even in individual stocks. This book is full of great information in a simple and fun to follow format. J.L.Collins has a very straight forward approach to investing and explains his ideas very clearly. I truly enjoyed this read […]

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In the beginning

Money Plan – aka Goals

Creating money goals?

#1. Save an emergency fund.

#2. Pay off all of your debt (not including your home).

#3. Save 3 months or more of living expenses.

#4. Pay off your home.

#5. Begin saving 15% of your income.

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Featured Content Featured Videos

Think you can’t retire early? Think again, you just need to want it.


You can visit the Mr. Money Mustache website by going to

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In the beginning

Budgeting 101

Why should the “BUDGET” be number one on your list? Because without out one you might not have a clue where all your money is going.

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In the beginning

So, you want to retire early?

So, you want to retire early? Of course you do, we all want to retire early.
What does retiring early even mean?

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